How To REALLY Clean Your Teeth At Home
Overcoming Your Dental Fears With Sedation Dental sedation calms your fears and anxiety in the dental chair. With different levels, you can find the amount that is right for you….

Does Oil Pulling COCONUT OIL Even Work? | Dental Hygienist Explains
Zirconia Ceramic Dental Bridges Having a gap in your mouth can be challenging concerning proper pronunciation common with the front teeth, smiling, biting and eating among other things. Therefore we…

do FLOSS PICKS even work? | Dental Hygienist Explains
Tooth Sensitivity: Can It Be Avoided? Tooth sensitivity is often the result of exposed nerves due to the compromise of the tooth enamel. Good oral hygiene and care habits as…

Are You Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard?
Choosing A Best Electric Toothbrush For Your Needs An electric toothbrush for receding gums helps avoid gum infections. In addition, using the right electric toothbrush for receding gums will quickly…